Listing of Providers of Services Relevant to Animal Farming in Australia
Websites shown below reflect all of the following subcategories. Click on each subcategory for more focused results.
Animal Transport & Handling - Poultry Farming - Animal Care - Veterinary Services - Seafood Farming & Supply - Livestock Farming - Animal Nutrition & Health
Fisheries | Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland - Find out more about fishing, aquaculture, fish species, habitats and legislation
Inland Fisheries Service - Tasmania's wild brown trout fishery established in 1864, is one of the best in the world.
Facilitates Investment into WA’s Agribusiness & Food Industry | WAOFB - Facilitating investment into WA’s agribusiness & food industry by supporting investors,engaging with industry,and collaborating across government departments.
Healthy Estuaries - Improving health of estuaries in WA - Healthy estuaries will focus on Peel-Harvey, Leschenault, Vasse-Geographe, Hardy Inlet, Wilson Inlet, Torbay Inlet & Oyster Harbour estuaries.
Home - Gladstone Area Water Board -
Keywords: fishing fisheries vfa victoria aquaculture recreational fish commercial vic management
Status of Australian Fish Stocks Reports - The Status of Australian fish stocks report 2020 (5th edition) provides a national, scientifically-robust assessment of the sustainability of our wild capture fish stocks. As of July 2018, SAFS summary information is used to inform the United Nations Sustainability Goals (specifically ‘Indicator 14.4.1 – Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable level’). Also see ‘Australian Government's Reporting Platform on the SDG Indicators’
Keywords: fishing nsw fisheries species biosecurity harvest commercial threatened aquatic recreational
Sea Fishing & Aquaculture | Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania - The Department manages recreational and commercial sea fisheries with a strong focus on promoting sustainable fisheries practices.
Keywords: fishing fisheries recreational shark commercial aquatic species management aquaculture fish