Listing of Providers of Energy Consulting Services in Australia
Gas Market Reform Group | - The Gas Market Reform Group (GMRG) was active from 2016 to 2019, and undertook extensive policy design, development and implementation work to deliver its objectives. The GMRG was established by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council to lead the design, development and implementation of a range of reforms set out in the Gas Market Reform Package. These included:
Keywords: anreu emissions energy units reduction australian national registry the clean
Keywords: energy open victoria submission submenu victorian electricity renewable gas safety
Home - Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission -
Australian Building Codes Board | ABCB -
Australian Building Codes Board | ABCB -
Clean Energy Regulator Clean Energy Regulator - Home -
Australian Energy Regulator | AER - We regulate energy markets and networks to work better for consumers.
Home | Queensland Audit Office -
Keywords: energy rating more save efficiency the program label learn registration