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Animal Veterinary Services

Listing of Providers of Animal Veterinary Services in Australia

Dairy Goat Society of Australia Ltd -

Coopworth Genetics Australia | Home - Coopworth Sheep breed information - dual-purpose sheep breed, fast growing lambs suitable for the prime lamb trade.

ASHEEP | Esperance | Grower Group - ASHEEP is a pasture and livestock grower group based in Esperance, Western Australia, promoting the role of sheep and cattle in farming systems.

Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society AABMGS - Australian All Breeds of Miniature Goat and Sheep Society Inc (AABMGS) caters for the needs of breeders and enthusiasts of miniature goats and sheep and runs a registry for miniature breeds.

RSPCA Knowledgebase – Let Australia's most trusted animal welfare charity help you answer the big questions. -

National Desexing Network - Discounted Desexing - National Desexing Network (NDN) is an Australia-wide referral system giving pet owners in financial need access to low-cost desexing. Help us end pet overpopulation, improve your pet's health and longevity by choosing to desex with the National Desexing Network

Farm Transparency Project | Australian animal protection charity - Farm Transparency Project is an Australian animal protection charity, seeking to force transparency on industries that engage in animal cruelty and exploitation.

Beef Shorthorn Australia - Beef Shorthorns Australia - The Beef Shorthorn Society of Australia is the official organisation for stud and commercial breeders of Beef Shorthorn and Australian Shorthorn cattle.

Basenji Puppy Breeders Australia Basenji Puppy Breeders - Basenji Puppy Breeders Directory - a list of Basenji Puppy Breeders that are memebers of the Victorian Basenji Breed Association

Adopt a Pet | Animal Rescue | Animal Welfare | RSPCA Queensland -