Listing of Providers of Animal Transport & Handling Services & Equipment in New Zealand
BALCAIRN STOCKFOODS - Balcairn Stockfoods - Balcairn Stockfoods supply livestock feed and equipment to a range of customers from backyard and lifestyle blocks to large stations and commercial operators. Their store and drive thru is based in Balcairn, North Canterbury.
Highland Cattle and Sheep Stud Farm - Eadon Fold have provided thousands of livestock sales to discerning buyers across NZ & internationally looking for Highland cattle & Poll Dorset sheep.
Portable Animal Handling Equipment | Prattley Industries Ltd - Prattley are world leaders in portable, light-weight and automated handling equipment for cattle, sheep and other farm animals for on-the-spot animal management.
McCormack Transport - Livestock Cartage, Stock Trucks, Tip Trucks, Flat Deck Trucks, Aggregate, Fertiliser, Palm Kernel, Silage, Hay, Hamilton, Waikato, North Island, NZ - McCormack Transport are cartage contractors focusing on Livestock cartage and bulk aggregate, fertiliser and palm kernal along with hay, silage bales and bagged fertiliser
AC Petfoods Ltd - Pet Food Manufacturer - AC Petfoods buys and processes cows, horses, bobby calves and sheep to produce meat products and meat by products to sell to the petfood industry.
Animal Bedding & Stand-Off Pad Supplies - Moorey Animal Bedding - Moorey is #1 for all Animal Bedding & Stand-Off Pad materials made from 100% untreated NZ pine: Kiln-Dried Shavings, Chipper-fines, Woodchip, Saw Dust and Post Peel. Call us on 07 888 1995
Road Haulage Ltd - Livestock Cartage, Stock Trucks, Tip Trucks, fertilizer, metal, sand, wool bales and baleage, Hamilton, Waikato, NZ, Default - Road Haulage specialise in Livestock cartage and bulk fertilizer, metal, sand, wool bales and baleage
Lifestyle Block | Information and support for lifestyle farmers - LSB - Information and support for lifestyle farmers
Manufacturing - Dog Runs, Hay & Baleage Feeders, Ute Boxes - Agricultural Manufacturing - Specialising in Galvanised Pipe work, round bale, baleage and Hay Feeders, Dog Runs and Kennels, Aluminium Dog Crates and Boxes.
Corohawk Meal Feed Systems Dog Kennels Animal Shelters Silos Water Tanks Augers Horse Stables Hay Barns - Corohawk have developed a range of dog kennels, animal shelters and animal meal feed systems that are designed to meet the needs of the New Zealand farmer and animal owner.