Listing of Providers of Market Research and Analysis Services in New Zealand
Phoenix Research - Welcome to Phoenix Research - Phoenix Research, providing customised market research to global and New Zealand companies
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Infometrics | Home | Regional, Sector and Forecasting economic insights - Infometrics leads the way in innovative economic data visualisations - using the latest macroeconomic, industry, and regional information.
Home | MarginFuel - MarginFuel provides intelligent price optimisation software that empowers rental vehicle operators to build profitable pricing strategies.
Energy Market Services - Electricity Market Overview - Energy Market Services, EMS - Electricity Market Overview
Property Data & Analytics | CoreLogic - CoreLogic is the leading property data, information, analytics and services provider in Australia and New Zealand with growing partnerships throughout Asia.
Informis Home - Connected Research - Informis provides fast and professional assistance with your online survey research
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IRI New Zealand - Delivering Growth for CPG, Retail, and Healthcare - IRI - IRI provides the information, analytics, business intelligence solutions, consulting services and subject matter expertise the world’s leading CPG, retail and healthcare companies require to drive their insights.